Get Guru'd

Find Health and Peace in your Body Mind and Life with Radically Different Effective Tools…  Christopher D’Orta Will Be Your TRUTH-Mentor  

The search for answers is over.

Are you ready to get well and get out of hell? Put hell in your review mirror and heaven on your horizon (in your GPS)? Then you have been guided to the right place at the right time; the universe as always knows what it is doing.


Take positive action via private mentoring sessions that may focus on any feasible challenge you have from bodily concerns, mental issues, metaphysical spiritual quests toward Truth, and dilemmas in your life. 

Christopher D’Orta will teach you tools that YOU will use to rectify your challenges, yourself and your life. These tools are based on truth of what works, instead of new-fad un-proven, usually erroneous and perilous, dubious and faulty human opinions.  

Christopher D’Orta’s approach is revolutionary insofar the old becomes the new again. His multi-level healing approach will work if you work it because he gives you what has been proven to work for millennia. 

Christopher D’Orta recognizes that change is the most difficult challenge for humans. He knows how to help you overcome fear and resistance to change. EFT, REBT, NLP, Zen, the Sedona Method, A Course in Miracles, and ancient understanding are brought to the fore to get to the core. 

Spiritually, if you wish to join with love and lose fear, you and Christopher will journey together through the acumen of A Course in Miracles, Jesus, Joel Goldsmith, Howard Vernon, Edgar Cayce, Lester Levinson, Buddha, and more…

There are no problems; there are/is simply lack of skills, tools, strategies, AND information, knowledge, and wisdom to know AND do different, inside and out. 

The excursion to profound, priceless TRUTH on any level is only $150 per session, (which may be done in person or via phone). 

To set up your first appointment; start changing now; take action NOW! 

A Course in Life                                           

Christopher D’Orta

[email protected] 

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